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                              Examining Anthroposophy and Steiner Education
It is no part of the intention of this website to have Anthroposophy sunk without a trace. Were such an attempt be made, democratic principles would demand a joining with Anthroposophy in defending its right to exist.
Any such attempt would probably serve only to drive the movement underground: the intent of this website is to bring about a candour
that is lacking in current promotional material, not cause it to become even more "esoteric".

These pages strive to make available some of the devices and interpersonal difficulties encountered in some people's own dealings with Anthroposophy.
There are some common things found worldwide, which can perhaps be best summed up by experiences which essentially reveal that while questioning is nominally approved of, maybe encouraged, there does come a point where dumb acquiscence and blind acceptance is demanded.
 Not everyone is prepared to give such things: - it remains with you to decide if you are. 
"It is felt that people are free, with their value as individuals enhanced, if they can always form their own opinion. The problem is, how does this opinion develop? We grow into being part of the world.....we feel our judgement to be mature, believing it to be our own...We may even get into conflict by believing our own judgement to indicate one thing or another for us."

Rudolf Steiner: Lecture 9, Berlin, 6th January 1914 from THE FIFTH GOSPEL From the Akashic Record. Thirteen lectures given in Oslo, Berlin and Cologne between 1October 1913 and 10 February 1914. 
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1995, p 150.
Accusations of taking this out of context will no doubt ensue. Check out the full text for yourself.
Many (most) of us do indeed feel and believe that Steiner's description of what people believe "free" to mean is entirely correct.
What's wrong with that understanding of "free"? We say nothing is.
Ask yourself if you really need further teaching- where do you think it will lead?


Thats it.
Some fell for the outward appearances. A lot of people are attracted to Anthro initiatives because of what they aren't rather than knowing what they are. Be careful with this approach.
Some are attracted immensely to the dream of what Anthroposophy purports to be, ignoring the actuality of what it is. Anthroposophy consists of people- you can imagine what that means!  
Here's what  we were told; here's what we found.
Here's what we think.
What do you think? 
It is suggested that no one should by any means accept the assertions made by some Anthroposophists against people who have found Anthroposophy to be other than what one might have wished. Such people are not without spiritual understanding.They are not without intelligence,sensitivity or perspicacity. Nor are you.
Neither am I.
My name is David Dodds, webmaster of this site. I worked and lived in special needs care in Scotland from 1995-2000, and then worked some additional two years as live-out staff.
In common with other Survivors, I moved from exquisitely happy for the first few months, through to having some doubts, then very low self esteem, then the pain of needing professional help in order to deal with living with Anthroposophy without giving up on other values.,some of which were dearly bought.
On publishing this site, I anticipate having my own character assailed rather than having topics addressed. I have learned to live with it: I hope you never have to.


Published    02/02/06
Revised 16.08/10


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