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. This website is published in the hope of better informing people's choices. Should you decide Anthroposophy is the correct path for you, then best  wishes are offered
EASE: Lifting the veil a little
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EASE: Examining Anthroposophy and Steiner Education.

These pages are intended as a rough indicator of things people might want to find out more about after initially being attracted by the very inviting publicity and promotional material provided by the movement itself.
From a fair experience of living and working with Anthroposophy, there arise a good number of questions still to be answered other than by the common clichés and rhetoric.

For those who have some difficulty with Anthroposophy, or even the simply curious,  some pointers and links to aspects of the movement are provided that it's own very sophisticated publicity mechanism would, it seems, prefer not to made more widely known, typically:-

"You may flatter him, you may torment him: nothing can induce him to divulge anything which he knows should not be divulged to you because at your present stage of development you do not understand how to prepare in your soul a worthy reception for this mystery."
Rudolf Steiner: Wie erlangt men Erkenninise die hohern Welter? Berlin, 1918, pp3-4

EASE holds, and will seek to demonstate.............
That Anthroposophy, founded by Rudolf Steiner is the often occult, sometimes cult-like informant of each outreach of the Anthroposophical movement.  These outreaches now permeate almost every part of society:-
Health, Education, Commerce, Worship, Family and relationships. The list goes on. Personal experience was that eventually, compliance with Anthroposophical tenets was demanded from pretty much every aspect of  MY life, surrendering most, or maybe all of the attachments and
 previously held, and to which I was not seeking an alternative. Other contributors have had similar experiences.

Maybe such things wouldn't befall you, but please, be aware of the possibility.  

Perhaps you have flirted with Anthroposophy in one or more of its guises, to be left with a vague impression that you had "missed something"? The quoted paragraph offers a hint of how that might have come about.
Perhaps the following from Anthroposophy's e-library should be mentioned:
The Archive Caveat:

"Rudolf Steiner has given the following prefatory words for all of his writings:

No person is qualified to form a judgment on the contents of this work, who has not acquired — through the School of Spiritual Science itself or in an equivalent manner recognized by the School of Spiritual Science — the requisite preliminary knowledge. Other opinions will be disregarded: the authors decline to take them as a basis for discussion.

When reading Steiner's works, be prepared to think. It is a first step to understanding. It is a first step to opening oneself to myriad possibilities. It is the first step in thinking, feeling, and willing."

http://www.rsarchive.org/caveat.php?win (the Rudolph Steiner Archive no longer features a caveat)

Accessed13/03/06, 30/10/07,  07/03/08

"...be prepared to think" ...laudable eh? How much more so would it be were "for yourself" in there somewhere?

Just how far into the induction process does one have to be in order to be permitted to ask questions on the care and/or education of your special person? How many months, years?

Would you accept such a 'shut up, shove off, leave us alone to do as we know best with your child/brother/sister/parent from teachers, doctors, social workers, carers in mainstream?

Those of you with no misgivings about the quoted passages probably have no need to go further into this website. Others may well find some alarm bells ringing.

Such decisions are of course up to you:..just thought to mention it.

In subsequent pages we will strive to offer some information based on our own experiences and research on just how such a situation might have arisen. It should be noted that we have no wish whatever to sink anyone's boat. However, given that various aspects of this Esoteric Movement (as it chooses to style itself) is in receipt nationally of hundreds of millions of pounds from the public purse, we are moved to raise questions on the nature of this movement; its raison d'être, it's eschatology (ultimate aim), and so the accountability of the movement to the funding and supervisory authorities.

Published   02/02/06

Last revised 07/03/08 

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