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It is entirely consciously that this page does not refer visitors to pro- Anthroposophy sites. Such is the combination of these supposedly small, poor initiatives that the publicity machine has a huge amount of sites on the internet. Rather, this page lists some references more objective in nature.
It is also a consideration that in referring people to discussion groups, EASE ought to be able to vouch so far as  possible that messages posted to these boards won't be edited or even deleted should they be deemed unfavourable to either Anthroposophy or critics. It is so vouched.

The EASE website remains under development.
One Family's Story
For a glaring example of how personal need and requirement can so easily become secondary to the perceived wisdom of Anthroposophy, you might care to visit Sylvia Ashton's enormously brave, privately published website.
Thanks are due to Sylvia for her support of the aims of the EASE site.

Unenlightened: The Inside Story of an Occult Education.
Roger Rawlings' reflections on his Steiner education and wider Anthroposophy. Roger's websites consist of a series of essays, frequently amusing, always informative. Here's a starting point
Roger also has other sites delightfully plain speaking with none of the hushed reverence toward Steiner demanded in Anthroposophical circles. (website link no longer valid) deals with aspects of Anthroposophy  on the wider basis,  while (website link no longer valid) addresses some of the more apocalyptic 'revelations' of Steiner. Roger's latest contribution lies here:
Try reading just parts these sites, then try getting a 'blue card' Anthroposophist (click 'First Class' button, left) to discuss the same. 

The Wandin Springs Report.  (See Special Needs page) This is available under Australia's Freedom of Information Act, 1982.
 Contact: Department of Human Services
              555 Collins Street
              Victoria 3001
              Doc.ref. DX210081

Alrenatively, this report may be requested online at: (website link updated 23/10/22)

Post Waldorf Tutoring.
Formed in New York (early 2006) by parents of former Steiner/Waldorf pupils, this site aims to try to smooth the recovery path for pupils returning to mainstream after having been disappointed by Steiner/Waldorf.
Clearly the people associated with the site can't offer direct help to all comers, but you might like to visit this site in order to both find some indication of just what is involved in recovering from Steiner/Waldorf education (should the need arise) and perhaps as an idicator of some of the things required should you already be in such a situation. (website link no longer valid)

Waldorf Critics  This American based site has a tremendous amount of information. No need to be put off by it being American based; some visitors to this site having already had some unpleasant experiences have gone on to join the Survivors Only group, both to find support for their own recovery and to help others.Visit it, make up your own mind.

Waldorf Critics Discussion Board. Together with the above referenced site, they do seem to be the most reviled by Anthroposophists. Make up your own mind as to just why this might be.
This discussion board is open to anyone. Just curious? You can easily just register and "lurk"; there is no requirement to contribute. Regular contributors to this discussion board come from Canada, Australia and U.K. as well as U.S.A. Ask any question you like, you won't be booted out for it. You might find the interaction of critics and anthro supporters to be of interest before taking your interest to the point where you have to decide 'fight or flight.'
The only requirement is that posts should address issues, rather than descend into ad hominem (ie personal) attacks. (website link no longer valid)

Waldorf -Anthroposophy-Steiner-Survivors -Only
For those of you who have already suffered at the hands of Anthroposophy, this private list may be the place to aid your recovery. It is not intended as a guide to the simply curious. Members share their stories sometimes, and the over-riding message is one of relief that, despite all they have been made to endure, they are not the only one. Around a dozen nations, not all of which have English as a first language are currently represented on this list

Those still in need of help with recovery from Anthroposophy might apply to:

Please note that this is a private,self-help recovery list for people who have fallen foul of Anthroposophy in one guise or another. It does not function as an information source for those simply seeking information, nor does it serve as a platform for anthroposophists to further berate people who have already been through quite enough, Consequently, applications carrying no return email address can't be processed:please ensure a return address is on your initial application 


Available from: British Thesis Service, The British Library, Document Supply Centre,  Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire. LS23 7BQDoc.Ref Dx 200960

Alternatively, you might try to get hold of the second edition of Geoffrey Ahern's book 'Sun at Midnight'.*

* "Sun at Midnight: The Rudolf Steiner Movement and Gnosis in the West", James Clarke and Co, UK, 2009, ISBN 9780227172933

The website for the second edition of Sun at Midnight can be found at:

Details for the first edition of Sun at Midnight are as follows:

"Sun at Midnight: The Rudolf Steiner Movement and the Western Esoteric Tradition", Aquarian Press, Northamptonshire, UK, 1984, ISBN 0-85030-338-9
Currently out of print, some people have found this book available at libraries,others have managed to locate copies to buy online.

There is a vast amount of material available on Anthroposophy, nearly all of which has been compiled by people who support, or are actively sympathetic of the movement.

Geoffrey Ahern's work remains as probably the most objective work available written from the outside looking in. Ask about it in Anthroposophical sources, but do try to bear in mind (from our 'Language' page) what Anthroposophists themselves say about "emphasising the negative" 

Cult Information Centre (CIC) From page 'Cult? Occult? Science?' it is self evident that some discussion on the nature of Anthroposophy is desireable. Visitors might care to try:

CIC at no point cites any organization as a cult. Nor does this site seek to attest that Anthroposophy falls within that genre. Visitors are invited to visit this site, consider the indicators of cult like behaviour, and then make up their own minds.                                                                                         

Waldorf/Steiner promotional material frequently cites the situations with our North West European neighbours as vindication of their own position.

Of course, things are seldom as black-and-white as promotional material suggests. Alternative viewpoints from Scandanavia can be read at: and/or (website link no longer valid) Those of you particularly attracted by the 'arts based' bits of anthroposophical publicity might be particularly interested in visiting: (website link no longer valid)  This site is based in Sweden, but is bi-lingual. It also adds to considerations of religion or spirituality that some of you might have.  

EASE: Perhaps for reasons of your own, you don't really want to take part in any of the discussion groups above.

 It might take a few days to get back to you, but there remains the option to contact:


Published    02/02/06
Last revised 17/08/10

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