In thinking about a move toward Anthroposophy, many people carry emotional/sentimental wishes and hopes with them. This page is aimed at encouraging prospective associates of Anthroposophy to maybe pause, think of what you already have. Is what you might move to really any weightier? |
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Given that Anthroposophy is the informing 'wisdom' of whatever Anthroposophical branch you are involved with, or considering, you might want to think about some of the following on being told that the rituals and festivals of Anthroposophy are "just dressing up" Should you indeed conclude that your own heritage is comparable with any other, it might be as well to prepare yourself for the accusations of narrow minded nationalism that will almost certainly follow. This site is based in Britain which matters only in some respects. Wherever you are, you can probably find an equivalent for your own nation, culture and heritage. There must be few of us who would not wish that certain things done way back when had never been done at all, but is that any good reason to deny who and what we are now? "The German Spirit....is prepared for a truth that reveals itself to be true out of itself, not requiring external verification. The German Spirit is prepared for this and evidence may be found everywhere. The thoughts of those who were truly working within the essence of the German spirit have always taken the form of considering truth to be an inner gift of the human soul." "At the same time, (mid 19th century) a mixture of nationalism, radicalism, history and field observation introduced the equally dangerous topic of permanent national or racial characteristics in society…….The belief that specific racial stock survived…….fitted admirably into an age when men purported to discover the romantic and mysterious individuality of their nations, to claim messianic missions for them if revolutionary, or to ascribe their wealth and power to 'innate superiority'.. Professor Hobsbawm's observation in the immediate context of his book was in fact directed toward France, but it might have been directed toward any colonial power. How ironic that these colonial powers have outgrown such arrogance (and for the most part they have outgrown notions of empire as well) but that something as quietly worldwide as Anthroposophy should still adhere to something as contrived as 'innate superiority' Although some Anthroposophists sometimes distance themselves personally from certain Steiner pronouncements few Anthroposophists seem willing to repudiate Steiner entirely on a given topic. Presumably the fear is that to admit the fallibility of the guru in one instance leaves the door open to the possibility that he might have goofed elsewhere. "The Western European peoples have become very much crystallized in their national characteristics, but in the case of the German people this cannot happen because of the peculiar nature of the German folk spirit. The result is that German attitudes will always ...have to remain more universal than those of other peoples. These things relate to profound realities in the spiritual world." (Steiner, 1915, DIN p. 176)
At this juncture it might be worthwhile to discuss just what Steiner meant by 'Anglo-Saxon'. Given the unfortunate -and ill-informed- propensity of most of the world to conflate 'Britain' with 'England'. Perhaps he meant the British Isles, all 6000+ of them: the state of Great Britain and Ireland as it was at the time Steiner worked.
'Anglo-Saxon consciousness' is the state of enlightenment to which Initiates should aspire. How is this done? Well, we could try guesswork! Indeed, it may well be that guesswork is the best option since Initiates are exhorted to keep such things to themselves. Let's re-iterate: Maybe at this point it would be useful to remind ourselves of just what point in its own evolution Germany had reached before Steiner was born, and in his formative years
1790's -1814. Under French domination. This domination under Napoleon begins the unification process. In 1792, Germany consisted of between 300 and 400 independent units, by 1817, this had reduced to around 30. Some German states join in Russian pursuit of Napoleonic armies. First sign of a "common enemy" unity in German states. 1871. At Versailles, The German Empire is declared. Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, becomes Emperor of Germany. Does the body of myth of Arthurian tales really stand as 'more' mythical than the corpus of Steiner's work? There are people in Britain and abroad who hold these legends of Britain as a wish for the 'once and future'. Maybe we all do to a greater or lesser extent. Does any of this matter? Perhaps. As St. John's Day approaches (June) which version of the Grail legends does your local Anthro focus on? It probably wouldn't be a good idea to bet against it being the German, Wolfram von Eschenbach one rather than our own British version. "British authors who have written of the great legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have said little of the story of Parcifal. To Mallory it is Gawain who holds a central place, with Parcifal ( Sir Percival ) relatively unimportant; others have concentrated on the romantic tales of Lancelot and Guinevere. And whilst acknowledging the British origin of these legends it is to the troubadours of France and Germany, notably Chrétien de Troyes and Wolfram von Eschenbach that we need to turn for a complete rendering of the wonderful story of Parsifal. Rudolf Steiner recommended this story for children of class 11 in the Waldorf education curriculum (age 16-17 years) as a way of introducing them to world literature and to one of the central problems of our time - the journey of the 'Consciousness Soul' and the imperative to learn to ask the right questions. Like Parcifal they will all go through their own individual way of finding the Grail as a requirement of living in this century." http://www.waldorfeducation.org.uk/secondary/foreword.shtml (website link no longer valid) Decision time. Is such a view a reasonable adoption of a different version, or does it smack of "Steiner said" so it must be followed? Is it really to much to ask that the lessons to be taught can't be derived from our own traditions? Must everyone in the world on the journey of the 'Consciousness Soul' follow this alien route? Do these pro-British questions necessarily mean they are anti-German? Do we have to be open minded to the point where our own brains fall out? A serious 'Bogey Man' to Anthroposophy is Peter Staudenmaier, and his article "The Art of Avoiding History" (5) challenges just such things. In order to become a fully integrated associate of Anthroposophy, it is necessary to subscribe to Steiner's teachings. Peter Staudenmaier persuasively argues that most of Steiner's teachers allude to a mystical supremacy of all or at least most things Aryan. Does it not therefore follow that in order to mitigate Steiner's teachings, which seem to be at least a romanticised version of Germanic history as much as anything else, one needs must relegate one's own history and culture to a lesser level? This has been called "cultural alienation" and is perhaps most attractive to those who have little or no knowledge and/or feeling for their own history and culture?
A final gem from Steiner. Does it say anything to you of the ubiquitous German classes in Steiner Waldorf schools? Powerful eh? Do you really find this any more substantive than the centuries old "demonstrated fact" of Gaelic scholars that Gaelic is that spoken by Adam and Eve in Eden: that Gaelic is in fact The Language of Heaven? |